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Mission display settings

1. Pallet height

This allows you to set the height of the pallets. This CM height is used to optimise the two-dimensional graphical representation of the job result.

2. Pallet width

This allows you to set the width of the palettes. This CM width is used to optimise the two-dimensional graphical representation of the job result.

3. Visibility of the Export button

4. Display of barcode reading acquisitions

5. Debug mode

Example of a 2D representation of a mission:

From this screen you can :

  • Generate the export file during a job or only at the end of a job.
  • Configure the display of red barcodes after a mission: if the box is not ticked, the expected is taken into account, otherwise only the NO_SCANs are displayed in red on the 2D display of the mission.
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