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Enable/Disable mission recovery

The EYESEE Cloud interface allows you to enable or disable mission retrieval from the EYESEE App.

Disable mission recovery to make the mission invisible in the list of missions on the EYESEE App.

Inversely, enabling mission recovery makes the mission visible in the list of missions on the EYESEE App.

To disable the recovery of a mission, go to your EYESEE Cloud account > Missions. Find the mission you want to make invisible on the EYESEE App. In the example below, we want to make the mission named 42 IMPAIR invisible.

In the table of your missions on EYESEE Cloud, two green buttons appear in the right-hand column. The first button allows you to “Disable mission recovery“.

Click on this button next to the mission you wish to make invisible. Below, we disable the recovery of mission 42 IMPAIR :

Refresh the web page.

The same button now appears in red. Mission 42 IMPAIR is no longer visible in the list of missions on the EYESEE App.

You will also be able to make the mission visible again on the EYESEE App.

In the table of your missions on EYESEE Cloud, click on the same button used previously: “Enable mission recovery“.

Refresh the web page.

Once recovery of the mission has been authorised, the button will reappear in green, and the mission will once again be visible in the list of missions on the EYESEE App.

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