They support EYESEE

We are pleased to count among our shareholders, organizations and companies willing to help us develop and offer the best possible solution.

A major player in the real estate sector, bringing together more than twenty companies with expertise in their fields, the IDEC GROUP operates in France and abroad to develop, finance and supply innovative energy solutions and to design and build all types of buildings. Committed to the energy and environmental transition, the Group supports, through an investment fund dedicated to innovation, a group of startups whose common denominator is the decarbonization of its activity and that of its customers and partners.

C2AD is the private equity vehicle of Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône-Alpes and Crédit Agricole des Savoie. Crédit Agricole Alpes Développement is involved in venture capital, innovation capital, development capital and transmission capital (startup, SME and ETI). C2AD manages €100 million, invested in 180 companies.

Created in 2005, Grenoble Angels is an association affiliated with France Angels, the national federation of business angels. Grenoble Angels brings together a hundred local investors throughout the Isère department, who support and finance start-ups and innovative companies in their seed phase.

“In addition to receiving financial support, there are evident synergies around logistics warehouses that link EYESEE to its investors.”


Eric Pierrel | CEO 

White paper – Automate warehouse inventory with drones

Find out how drone inventory can be used to optimise both rotating inventory and annual tax inventory processes.