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Characteristics of a face

The face visualization in the EYESEE Cloud needs to be accurate according to the physical reality of the face in the warehouse: the face must be configured like it actually is in the warehouse.

  • Bay

It is all the locations divided on some levels and placed between two uprights.

Between the two uprights you can change:

  • Levels number, locations number on each level, and the width
  • Right and left uprights thickness

These modifications can be made on a specified bay or can be applied to all the face bays.

  • Column

A column is a part of a bay, this is one location above the other per level from the first level to the highest.

  • Level

A level is all the locations placed between two beams.

You can modify here:

– Level height

Note: for the highest levels, it is recommended to enter a value 30cm smaller than the actual height to avoid unnecessary drone movements (for example to save battery).
Ex: The highest level height is 190cm, so its entered value has to be 160cm.

– Up and down thickness beams

  • Slot

It is all the locations placed between two beams and two uprights.

You can modify here:

– Level height

– Up and down thickness beams

  • Location

You can change here:

– Location name (according to the warehouse addressing)

– Pallet number

  • Flight constraints

Some flight constraints can be defined on a location. The location type can be:

  • Normal
  • Unused
  • Forbidden

An obstacle can also be defined on a right / left / up / down location.

In this case, you need to set up the space between the obstacle and the location (in centimetres).

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