Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) consists in linking social, environmental and economic values within the fundamental strategy and activity of a company. The objective is to optimize the management of business risks and opportunities while enhancing the long-term social and environmental sustainability of its actions.

Nowadays, the leading CO2 emitting sector in France is transportation, which represents 41% of total emissions. In the current environmental context, it is essential to reduce GHG emissions (including CO2) which are very damaging to the planet.

Darwin Drones considers CSR policy and sustainability as a commitment to a better quality of life in the company. This involves not only our employees but also our customers, and the supply chain as a whole.

Graphique émissions CO2 tous secteurs dont transport pour la page RSE

Sectoral distribution of CO2 emissions in France
Source : IEA 2020

EYESEE drone inventory solution helps logisticians reduce the environmental impact of their inventory activities

The EYESEE solution ensures the reduction of: 

  • The demand for scissors lifts, their material consumption or their reshipment due to inventory errors
  • Energy consumption during inventory
  • Consumption of fossil resources for road transportation and in particular the air pollution generated by it (transport of scissors lifts)
  • Greenhouse gases
  • Workplace accidents due to the elimination of risks related to working at height
  • The drudgery of repetitive tasks and health problems related to them (strain on the neck, tasks based on visual acuity)

Our sustainable actions

Execution of the Eco-Conception First Steps by studying the simplified Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in comparison with the inventory by scissor lifts

Reuse of used solutions at the end of the contract or of their components
 (Circular economy)

Alignment of customer and supplier objectives to make the solution reliable and maintain it in operational condition over the long term

Creation of new service offers (all-inclusive long-term rental)

White paper – Automate warehouse inventory with drones

Find out how drone inventory can be used to optimise both rotating inventory and annual tax inventory processes.