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Download the mission results

Click on a performed mission in the missions list, and from the details page of this mission:

1. Click on the « List of performances » icon at the right top.

2. For more details, if necessary, you can remove the mission execution by clicking on the icon at the bottom right.

3. The details of the mission performances display

Here you can delete an execution by clicking on the modification icon, by selecting one / more, and by clicking on the delete icon.

By clicking on the execution name, you can see the details of the acquisitions for each location:

4. Click on the configuration icon to add one or several options:

a. Excel compatibility: by selecting this option, an apostrophe will be added in front of each barcodes of the table, and also in the download CSV file.

Excel overwrites all numbers from the 16th by replacing them with zero. To avoid this formatting, this option allows the transformation of each scanned code into a character string. Thus, it remains intact when the CSV file is opened with Excel.

b. Display the acquisition’s times: This option displays the date and hour for each scanner acquisition. It is downloaded into the CSV file too.

5 formats are available:

  • DD Month YYYY HH:MM
  • Month DD, YYYY HH:MM
  • yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss-mss

c. Splitting the barcodes according to several numbers of characters or according to a separator: this option allows the scanned barcodes to be split according to the desired acquisition.

The 2 types of splits are “by number of characters” and “by separator”. The number of columns created depends on the user’s choice for the number of characters option, while for the separator option it depends on the number of separators entered. It is possible to name these columns or to leave the name fields empty. The download of the CSV file takes into account the breakdown of the barcodes.

d. Then, click on Confirm.

The columns display in the Scans table:

5. Click on the download icon to get the detail of the acquisitions in a CSV file. The columns display in this fil.

The operation is the same for separator splitting. Simply enter the desired separator:

The columns display in this file:

Click on the download icon to get the detail of the acquisitions in a CSV file. The columns display in this file:

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