EYESEE at the Vertical Forum 2023

EYESEE is delighted to have participated in the Vertical Forum 2023 at the Swiss Aeropôle in Payerne. On this occasion, many companies were present to discuss the professional use of drones (logistics, construction, agriculture, security, audiovisual, civil engineering, urbanism & real estate).

Thanks to Stanley Schmitt, director of Vertical Master (Training and Consulting) for the opportunity.

The objective of Vertical Forum is to create a meeting place between manufacturers, operators and regulators of all types of drones through presentations and demos.
The 2023 edition was very successful with a good audience, the presence of Swiss media (RTS) and especially drone actors from the three linguistic regions of the country.

Vertical Master had been planning for several months to explore the segment of drone use in logistics. This segment is not yet well known by drone players who are more on inspection or mapping. EYESEE Inventory Drone, with its very innovative solution, seemed to us to be the ideal candidate to enter the logistics world” explains Stanley Schmitt.

“I was delighted to participate in this 2023 edition of the Vertical Forum in Payerne. The solutions and interventions proposed by the different actors present at this conference were all of great quality as were the exchanges before and after the event. We are looking forward to develop partnerships and strengthen our development in this country. Vertical Master is the right place to strengthen our presence and eventually integrate EYESEE in its training catalog. EYESEE is a solution integrating an automatic drone to control stocks by scanning codes in industrial pallets which requires the presence of a trained supervisor – no need to be a “drone telepilot”. Despite this we are fully part of the drone ecosystem as these are our origins. See you soon in Switzerland”.

Clément Roulet Dubonnet – Marketing Director EYESEE

What are the future synergies with Vertical Master?

Vertical Master could offer a global solution to Swiss customers interested in integrating drones in their inventories. This global solution could include the equipment but also the complete integration of the solution with training and after sales service. Note that Vertical Master would also be able to bring its drone expertise in national languages (French, German and Italian). To be continued…

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Would you like to automate your inventories ?

The warehouse drone EYESEE flies automatically to read the barcodes of your pallet rack inventory