drone inventory count

Replay Webinar: Accurate finished goods warehouse with drone inventory count: a crucial issue for production centers

Watch the replay of our webinar and learn how drone inventory count allows you to increase productivity in your warehouse.


  • The challenges of inventory at production sites
  • Presentation of the solution
  • Features and usage modes
  • Why production sites have chosen EYESEE

Using new technologies for inventory automation, and in specific the drone inventory count, allows to improve the production.

Inventory drone offers many advantages to companies, as explained in this webinar by Clément Roulet Dubonnet, co-founder of Darwin Drones.

Darwin Drones is the company dedicated to the marketing, support and software development of the EYESEE drone inventory solution for the logistics market.

Inventory and stock keeping activities are time-consuming and inefficient but simple. Yet production depends on the quality and efficiency of this process.
EYESEE simplifies these activities to have a more accurate inventory and a more fluid activity at any moment.

Why are finished goods warehouses switching to EYESEE?

With drone inventory count EYESEE, you can :

  • switch to cycle count inventory
  • stop interruptions for their annual fiscal inventory or that of their customer (3PLs)
  • communicate reliable data internally and externally (WMS, CdG, EDI customer, Auditor, etc. …)
  • improve inventory accuracy throughout the year (addressing, quantities, losses, etc.) by detecting and correcting errors quickly
  • reduce financial, human and equipment resources mobilized for inventory (bye bye rented scissor lifts)
  • reduce risks in the workplace / comply with HSE regulations
  • reduce the environmental impact of their inventory activities

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Would you like to automate your inventories ?

The warehouse drone EYESEE flies automatically to read the barcodes of your pallet rack inventory