Replay – Innovation to support supply chain performance

Digital SITL: the international transport and logistics exhibition in 100% digital format

From 23 to 26 June 2020, a 100% digital version of the SITL 2020 was held. In the sanitary context of this first half of 2020, the SITL could not take place in its usual conditions. In order to preserve a moment of meetings and exchanges between the stakeholders of transport and logistics, a 100% online version was organised giving rise to meetings, virtual tours and webinars.

More than 5,100 people took part in this digital edition, with 77 speakers and nearly 500 business meetings.

Conference – Innovation at the service of the Supply Chain

Managing people, increasing productivity and agility in a context disturbed by the Covid19 pandemic, so many challenges taken up by technological innovations.

In this video:

  • The different uses of security, inventory and delivery drones and other autonomous vehicles
  • Presentation of the solutions and their applications, including the Eyesee drone inventory solution

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Would you like to automate your inventories ?

The warehouse drone EYESEE flies automatically to read the barcodes of your pallet rack inventory